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Forget Accounts Payable problems, let's talk Accounts Payable solutions. Learn how tech is impacting AP - from the latest in AI to major AP system developments.

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 Learn how to implement Gen AI in P2P

Top 5 Gen AI use cases for P2P teams

Gen AI adoption isn’t a question of if but when for P2P teams. Business is transforming and Procure-to-Pay teams need to keep up. With its ability to multi-task and perform out-of-the-box tasks, including summarisation, Q&A, classification and more, Gen AI is changing the game.
Read more - Top 5 Gen AI use cases for P2P teams
AP recovery audit

What is an Accounts Payable recovery audit?

Whether it’s overpayments, duplicate payments, incorrect sales tax or payments to the wrong suppliers - Accounts Payable mistakes happen in any organisation processing loads of invoices. These mistakes may seem small at first, but they can heavily affect an organisation's working capital and add up to substantial losses over time. Some companies still invest in AP recovery audits to recoup any overpayments and regain financial losses.
Read more - What is an Accounts Payable recovery audit?
ap helpdesk

9 ways an AP helpdesk is going to make your life easier

The Accounts Payable climate is evolving. More and more AP teams are recognising the value of technology and AI as a catalyst for simplifying their daily workflows.
Read more - 9 ways an AP helpdesk is going to make your life easier
Invoice fraud detection

Invoice fraud detection: What is it and how can you spot it?

In a time where organisations are transitioning to more digital processes, online data management and cloud-based solutions, the risk of fraud is greater than ever. UK Finance reports that over £1.2 billion was stolen from companies by criminals through fraud in 2022, with £49.5 million through invoice and mandate fraud alone. The report also highlights that 78% of company fraud cases in 2022 originated from online sources.
Read more - Invoice fraud detection: What is it and how can you spot it?

How AI and Data Science are driving finance transformation

Under the hood of Xelix's Accounts Payable Control Centre By combining rule-based algorithms and machine learning models, Xelix has become a leader in detecting anomalies within Accounts Payable data. Central to our anomaly detection expertise is advanced modelling techniques with Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Read more - How AI and Data Science are driving finance transformation
Three Top Accounts Payable trends in 2023 that finance teams must know about

Three Top Accounts Payable trends in 2023 that finance teams must know about

It’s that time of year again, and planning for 2023 is top of the agenda for businesses everywhere. But this time, the rules of the game have changed.
Read more - Three Top Accounts Payable trends in 2023 that finance teams must know about
Identifying and fixing common Accounts Payable problems in manufacturing companies: a guide for the finance team

The biggest Accounts Payable issues in manufacturing

There’s a new reality in manufacturing. And to survive it, you’ve got to treat your suppliers like gold. Driving down costs through the supply chain is no longer an option, and paying invoices on time is non-negotiable. Combined, these changes could erode your profit margins and disrupt cash flow.
Read more - The biggest Accounts Payable issues in manufacturing
Identifying and fixing the AP problem in Pharma

Identifying and fixing the AP problem in Pharma

Accounts Payable is one of the most important, yet challenging, functions within the pharmaceutical industry. With vast numbers of transactions taking place every day across hundreds of key suppliers, AP teams need to be efficient and reliable.
Read more - Identifying and fixing the AP problem in Pharma
Four ways you can boost BPO profitability in F&A and drive more value for your customers

Four ways you can boost BPO profitability in F&A and drive more value for your customers

Business process outsourcing companies (BPOs) have been riding a wave of opportunity for the past two years. And it’s about to get even bigger. With enterprise customers turning to BPOs to help accelerate growth and profitability, the industry’s market value is set to hit a massive $335.2 billion by 2024. However, at the same time the BPO landscape is becoming more and more competitive. Savvy industry players are having to respond by upping their game and re-positioning themselves for success. ...
Read more - Four ways you can boost BPO profitability in F&A and drive more value for your customers
The future of finance – the best ERP bolt-ons

The future of finance – the best ERP bolt-ons

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems tend to be ‘Jacks of all trades, masters of none.’ Sure, they do the fundamentals well, but ultimately, they cover too much ground and don’t entirely fit all your team’s requirements, leaving big capability gaps.
Read more - The future of finance – the best ERP bolt-ons
Banish the bane of your AP existence: automated supplier statement reconciliation is here

The age of AI: Automated statement reconciliation

You spoke and we listened. We asked Xelix customers what would be truly transformative for their overstretched Accounts Payable teams. And they said ‘automated supplier statement reconciliation’.
Read more - The age of AI: Automated statement reconciliation
Prevention is better than cure: why it’s time to replace your AP recovery audit

Prevention is better than cure: why it’s time to replace your AP recovery audit

You don’t have to be a doctor to know that prevention is better than cure. From car maintenance, to vaccination and even wrinkle control, prevention is cheaper, time-saving and far less painful. So why do businesses continue to take a retrospective approach to Accounts Payable problems? And what’s the cost recovery alternative to the traditional AP recovery audit?
Read more - Prevention is better than cure: why it’s time to replace your AP recovery audit
What is Invoice Intelligence?

What is Invoice Intelligence?

We spend a lot of time thinking about ‘Invoice Intelligence’. It’s a term we’ve thought up to describe the technology that sits right at the heart of our business.
Read more - What is Invoice Intelligence?

Using AI to build world-leading duplicate invoice prevention software

Despite the marketing headlines, most – if not all – players in the duplicate invoice prevention market use rules-based tools to detect errors. The complexity and variety of data from different organisations around the world, however, mean this “one size fits all” approach is simply not efficient. High numbers of inaccurate results (false positives) are surfaced, which creates huge amounts of additional work for Finance teams.
Read more - Using AI to build world-leading duplicate invoice prevention software
Why your ERP system can no longer ride solo

Why your ERP system can no longer ride solo

There’s no doubt that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is invaluable to many businesses operating around the world today, and the data collated from these systems is both insightful and practical. But too many businesses are using their ERP as a ‘one size fits all’ approach to data analysis and planning, when in reality, an ERP should be just one aspect of an effective business strategy. Here are five instances where an ERP-only approach falls short of being comprehensive for most ...
Read more - Why your ERP system can no longer ride solo
The Worst Invoice Fraud Cases in 2019/2020

The Worst Invoice Fraud Cases in 2019/2020

In 2019, UK Finance issued data that indicated 26% of large businesses have fallen victim to invoice fraud, despite 84% not fully understanding what invoice fraud actually means. With the ever-growing sophistication of fraudsters, finance teams need to look beyond their ERP to fully safeguard their business. Conviction of Evaldas Rimasauskas; Manhattan Using imitation email addresses, Lituanian national Evaldas Rimasauskas successfully defrauded US tech giants Facebook and Google out of a total ...
Read more - The Worst Invoice Fraud Cases in 2019/2020